While operating in the U.S. 4th Fleet, USS Vermont (SSN-792) conducted anti-submarine warfare (ASW) exercises with the Brazilian Navy Submarine Tupi (S30) and maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft.
U.S. Ambassador to Brazil Todd Chapman hosted President Jair Bolsonaro, accompanied by Vice Adm. Daryl Caudle, Commander, U.S. Submarine Forces and other Brazilian Navy dignitaries for a key leader engagement on USS Vermont, reaffirming the strong history of military collaboration between the United States and Brazil.
Now for the rest of the story: As part of the gift exchange between the Brazilian and U.S. Navies, U.S.S. Vermont’s Captain Charles Phillips presented Brazil’s president and other dignitaries with some “Vermont gold,” otherwise known as pure Vermont maple syrup. The commanding officer of the Vermont asked for a recommendation from the Vermont Commissioning Committee (VCC) for an appropriate gift for our ally that would best represent the boat’s namesake state. VCC Gifts Chair Gary Frymire reached out to Morse Farm Maple Sugar Works of Montpelier where several crew members learned about sugaring prior to the July 4 parade in 2019. Burr Morse had glass maple leaf syrup decanters available that were reviewed and approved by Captain Phillips, and they were prepared with both Morse Farm and VCC logos, along with a “Gift from the VERMONT (SSN 792) Commissioning Committee” message. The syrup decanters travelled over 5,000 miles before being part of the gift exchange between the U.S and Brazilian dignitaries at Brazil’s newest submarine base, the Itaguai, in Rio de Janeiro, a “Vermont” unique and sweet touch to international relations.