The Vermont Dept. of Public Safety is continuing to accept public and stakeholder feedback on Vermont’s initiative to modernize policing across Vermont. The latest document available for public review is a draft Statewide Policy on Police Use of Force.
The ongoing opportunity for comment and feedback is part of Governor Phil Scott’s Public Safety Reform Initiative, created through Executive Order 03-20, which directed the commissioner of public safety to “actively engage with communities, particularly those communities that have been historically marginalized or harmed by policing, as we develop and deploy best policing practices.”
This fall, the Dept. of Public Safety shared multiple draft proposals for public consideration and feedback, including policies related to body-worn cameras, citizen oversight, hiring and promotion, and internal affairs.
All of these policies, along with the newly posted draft Statewide Policy on Police Use of Force, are available for review at Stakeholders and members of the public who wish to provide feedback through that website, or by emailing
The Dept. of Public Safety intends to update the draft Statewide Policy on Police Use of Force shortly after the new year, so DPS asks the public to submit any feedback prior to Jan. 6, 2021.