Losing a pet is a very emotional thing. It’s really important that all animals have identification so they can be returned to their owners. An ID tag on your pet’s collar is the easiest method. The tag should include your name, address, telephone number and the pet’s name. If there’s extra space, the phone number of the veterinarian is also a good idea. If you move, make sure you get a new tag for your animal with your new contact information. Pets can also be microchipped. Many humane societies and veterinarians have a scanner which identifies if an animal has a microchip. If there’s a microchip, a phone call is made to identify the owner. Either way, please take a moment and check that your favorite pet has identification so you can get him or her back safe and sound in a hurry! If you have any questions, please call the Rutland County Humane Society at 802-483-6700.
Make sure your pet has identification!