Thursday, Oct. 15 at 1 p.m.—LUDLOW—Through the shutdown and into the opening, the Vermont Wood Works Council has been bringing virtual opportunities for members to network with their colleagues and stay connected via Zoom. Using Covid-recovery funds through Restore Vermont, they are now opening shops for in-person tours as a return to networking – with “new normal” guidelines.
Brent Karner of ClearLake Furniture in Ludlow is the first business to host a tour. His shop is large enough to accommodate approximately up to 40 visitors practicing social distancing and wearing masks. They ask that everyone be responsible for adhering to the guidance to make this event a success.
The afternoon programming include a tour of the ClearLake Furniture shop: showroom, workshop, and wood storage. A panel presentation followed by roundtable discussion: How has your business fared and what have you learned during Covid? And then informal networking, food, and entertainment: safely packaged edibles, libations (bring your own beer, non-alcoholic soft drinks available) and storytelling by Bill Torrey. Bill is a 6th generation Vermonter who spent 40 years logging our forests. The author of two books, “The Ta Ta Weenie Club” and “Cutting Remarks,” Bill has a flare for the dramatic and sees a story behind every tree. He will regale you with several of his stories while you enjoy the camaraderie of your colleagues.
Registration is required for this event to appropriately manage the number of visitors. Please email to sign up.
If you just are not able to attend, not ready for public gatherings, or they hit maximum numbers, they will be “Zooming” the meet-up as well. Please note that this is fairly new technology to use in conjunction with a tour so you must bring along some patience. This will work best if you log in with your computer or other mobile device.
Please email for the Zoom login information.