Vermont’s early voting period is underway
Secretary of State Jim Condos distilled his election guidance to three words Monday, Sept. 21. “Seal, sign, and send!” he said in a statement announcing the start of the early voting period for the Nov. 3 election.
By Wednesday, Oct. 7, all Vermonters should have received a ballot. If not, Condos advises “the voter should contact their Town or City Clerk to ensure they receive a ballot.”
All voters had the option of mailing in their ballot during the primary early voting period, but in the general election every eligible voter should automatically receive a ballot.
“When Vermonters receive their ballots, it’s important that they follow the included instructions, such as placing their ballot in the “voted ballot” envelope, filling out the certificate on the envelope completely, and making sure to sign that certificate, for their vote to be counted,” Condos said in the statement.
“Seal, sign, and send! I am encouraging Vermont voters to help ‘flatten the absentee ballot curve’ by voting and returning their ballots as early as they feel comfortable.”
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