158th Fighter Wing will return by summer of 2021
National Guard will deploy starting in September 2020 for up to six months to multiple locations.
Airmen will deploy in small groups throughout the fall in support of U.S. Air Force Central Command (AFCENT), U.S. Air Force Africa Command (AFRICOM) and U.S. Air Force European Command (EUCOM).
“The women and men of our Air Guard will experience great developmental opportunities down range,” said Col. Adam T. Rice, 158th FW vice commander. “They get to put their years of training and hard work to use in a very practical way, in support of not only the U.S. Air Force and our allies, but of our country as a whole.”
These airmen encompass the expeditionary combat support units of the Vermont Air National Guard that include logistics, civil engineering, communications, comptrollers, first sergeants, personnel, services, contracting, supply, ground transportation, air transportation and medical. The deployment locations will be in Africa, Europe and the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility.
These deployments will not affect F-35 operations, which will remain on their current flight schedule:
Tuesday-Friday, morning and afternoon take-offs as well as flight hours on the first non-holiday weekend of the month and one Sunday every three months.
The final rotation of airmen in this deployment cycle will return to the 158th Fighter Wing, Vermont Air National Guard by the summer of 2021.