Would you like to learn from the experts how to turn your food scraps and yard trimmings into “black gold” for your lawn and garden? You can by signing up for the 2020 Vermont Master Composter course, offered online Sept. 11 – Nov. 13.
Through weekly modules, live online Q&A sessions with instructors (archived for future viewing), quizzes and a final exam you will learn all about backyard composting. Topics include the biology of composting, soil and decomposition ecology, site and container selection, compost “recipes,” the compost process, troubleshooting, disease control, worm composting and Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (Act 148).
The cost is $50 for Vermonters and $150 for out-of-state residents.
Register at go.uvm.edu/emg.
Three different tracks will be offered. The first is designed for individuals interested in becoming certified as a Vermont Master Composter to teach others about composting through educational workshops and demonstrations, newspaper articles or assistance with a UVM Extension volunteer composting project. This track requires participation in one hands-on session on either Oct. 12 in Ludlow or Oct. 19 in St. Albans.
To earn certification you must complete 10 hours of volunteer service within two years of completion of the course.
The second track covers the same course materials. Volunteer hours are not required although you may attend the hands-on session if desired. Completion of the course, including the final exam, will earn you a Vermont Certificate of Home Composting.
The third track is a self-paced option with access to all course materials including the online manual and Q&A sessions but with no required assignments, quizzes or exam.