On September 2, 2020

Will wild horses return to the East?

In support of the Bureau of Land Management’s mission to sustainably manage wild horses and burros, the agency posted a request for information seeking potential sources in the eastern United States with the interest and ability to provide corral space for excess animals. Depending on the level of interest shown, the agency plans to follow up with a formal solicitation seeking bids for multiple off-range corrals, which can hold between 200-500 wild horses and burros.

These off-range corrals will serve as holding facilities for wild horses and burros removed from public rangelands in the West as part of the Bureau’s mission to sustainably manage herds under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act and other relevant legislation.

Importantly, the facilities will support the agency’s wild horse and burro adoption and sales program by serving as regional shipping and receiving points.

Since wild horses and burros can only be humanely transported a certain distance in a single day (typically no more than 10 hours), it is necessary to have a network of off-range corrals strategically located to allow for safe and humane shipment.

Facilities will be considered in the 30 states bordering and east of the Mississippi River, including Vermont. The request for information was open through Aug. 31.

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