On August 19, 2020

Join a prayer writing workshop with Trisha Arlin

Thursday, Aug. 20 at 7 p.m.—RUTLAND— To prepare for the High Holy Days, liturgist Trisha Arlin will lead a Zoom prayer writing workshop. Participants will be writing kavannot (intentions) and prayers for forgiveness and healing, as well as prayers for animals since Rosh Hodesh Elul, the new year for animals, begins that evening.

Trisha Arlin is a liturgist, teacher, performer, and student of prayer. She has taught workshops in prayer writing since 2013 in such venues as the NHC Summer Institute (where she was the 2014 Liturgist in Residence), Shavuot Across Brooklyn, Limmud, NY, and synagogues around the country. She is author of the book, “Place Yourself: Words of Prayer and Intention” (Dimus Parrhesia Press), a collection of her liturgy and kavannot. Her work can be found online at TrishaArlin.com, Ritualwell, and OpenSiddur.org, 929.com, and Haggadot.com. Her prayers and kavannot are used for services, life rituals, and newsletters in Jewish gatherings around the world.

Join the Zoom session at us02web.zoom.us/j/88178793068. Contact the rabbi or call her at 802-855-8028 if you have any questions.

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