Local support, community action team launches virtual recovery ‘visits’ in every county
On July 9, the local support and community action team of the governor’s economic mitigation and recovery task force will launch a series of virtual Covid-19 recovery visits to be held in each county across the state over the next several months.
The action team was convened in mid-April as part of the task force and charged by Governor Scott with identifying and sharing regional and community recovery initiatives and uncovering gaps in recovery efforts to ensure equitable distribution of resources, especially in rural areas and underserved populations.
Virtual forums will bring together community members and business and organizational leaders from across the region to discuss challenges and share ideas for community response and equitable economic recovery, and connect to others working to respond and recover. The forums will encourage and support local and regional efforts, share promising practices and models between counties, promote equitable access to financial, social and structural recovery, and aid communities in accessing the tools and resources to support their recovery work.
Participants will join a brief opening session and then break out into discussion topics chosen by a steering committee from each region.
Topics for discussion could include telecommunications, business support and recovery, education and childcare, building community unity, addressing racial inequities, developing buy local campaigns, housing, food access, and more.
Recovery visiting teams of federal, state, regional, non-profit, and business leaders and experts will attend each forum to share recovery strategies from across the state.
Local ‘visit’ forums
In Rutland County on Aug. 27, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
In Windsor County on Oct. 8 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The recovery visit forums are being coordinated and facilitated by the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD), in partnership with local and regional partners. VCRD is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the advancement of Vermont communities. In the past 20 years, VCRD has worked with over 75 communities to bring residents together to share ideas and move toward common solutions.
Paul Costello, executive director of VCRD and action team leader, said, “We all have a part and a responsibility in answering the pandemic and working toward economic recovery, and we know that creative solutions are being developed by local leaders throughout the state. The county forums are a starting point to share best practices, consider further needs, connect to resources, and gather ideas from each region to ensure that we are moving forward together…together we are VT strong.”
All are welcome and encouraged to join the forums. To register visit vtrural.org/recovery. Registration is available within two weeks of the forum date in each county.