Sherburne Fire District #1 operates the sewage treatment facility on Dean Hill Road in Killington. It serves the properties along Killington Road from The Woods to Glazebrook.
The facility operators continue to treat higher flow than there should be at this time, particularly with the pandemic business closures. There are many potential sources of this inflow, but they would like some help to try to reduce or eliminate this excessive flow.
Property owners are asked to check for leaky toilets, dripping faucets, ice machine water running, etc. There are relatively few private homes connected to the system and with most snow gone and groundwater levels dropping there may be many unoccupied properties with fixtures running water.
A continuously running toilet can waste between 1,000 and 4,000 gallons of water per day.
Please have someone check for leaks. If you have questions or need assistance call the WWTF at 422-3831.