Wednesday, Nov. 14, 5:30 p.m.—RUTLAND—For those who are facing end of life decisions, there are choices available to them: choices like palliative care and hospice. These options have lower costs and offer a higher quality of life in the final days. Some even see their lives prolonged.
The powerful documentary, “The Last Chapter,” will be shown on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the CVPS/Leahy Community Health Education Center at Rutland Regional Medical Center. This documentary will chronicle how we can take part in the end of life planning process, have those difficult conversations, and to take part in a journey that can lead to a better quality of life, and a more peaceful goodbye.
A light supper will be provided at the event. RSVP to Kim Flory-Lake at 802-747-1655. This special event is in recognition Palliative and Hospice Month, and co-sponsored by the Palliative Care Program, a department of Rutland Regional Medical Center, VNA & Hospice of the Southwest Region, and Bayada Hospice.