Monday, April 16, 5:45 p.m.—WEST RUTLAND—“Benefits to Wildlife of a Timber Harvest, and the Community Connections When You Improve Wildlife Habitat by Harvesting Timber” will be the topic being discussed at the annual meeting of the Rutland Natural Resources Conservation District (RNRCD). The meeting will be held on Monday, April 16 at the West Rutland Town Hall, 35 Marble St., West Rutland. The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 5:45 p.m.
Kathy Beland and Frank Hudson, consulting foresters and Kathleen Wanner, executive director of Vermont Tree Farm Program and Vermont Woodlands Association, will provide a talk on the Woods, Wildlife and Warblers program and Habitat for Heat. This presentation will feature the benefits to wildlife of a timber harvest, and the community connections when improving wildlife habitat by harvesting timber.
Pre-registration is requested by April 12. For more information or reservations, contact Nanci McGuire at 802-775-8034 ext. 117 or