On August 23, 2017

Volunteers sought for seasonal choir

WOODSTOCK—The Woodstock Area Jewish Community, Congregation Shir Shalom, is seeking volunteers for this year’s High Holy Day choir, under the direction of Dr. James Lorenz.

The choir will perform during the High Holy Day period, beginning with Selichot on the evening of Sept. 16, followed by Rosh Hashana services (the evening of Sept. 20 and morning of Sept. 21) and Yom Kippur (evening of Sept. 29 and morning of Sept. 30). The choir is open to anyone who enjoys singing, has a nice voice and a good ear, and who would enjoy learning these beautiful and haunting melodies. Participants do not need to be Jewish or to know Hebrew or how to read music — they are not looking for professionals (but they won’t turn you away if you are one!).

To join the choir, or for more information, contact organizer Antoinette Matlins in Woodstock at 802-457-5145.

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