Saturday, July 22, 6 p.m.—RUTLAND—On Saturday, July 22, from 6-8 p.m., there will be a Hula Hoop Hoopla in the community green space at 113 Library Ave. for children of all ages to learn about the flow arts. This event was originally scheduled for July 1.
Flow arts describes movement-based disciplines like juggling, fire spinning, buugeng, poi, dance, and other object manipulation; however, we will be focusing on hooping and ensuring that everyone who wants to learn how to hoop — spins, tricks, and games — will take home a hoop to continue to practice all summer long.
During this fun and explorative how-to-make-a-hoop workshop, participants will be able to get a hoop cut and sized just for their body, and then, both children and adults can decorate it to their personal style. Dawn Smith-Pliner will be performing and facilitating hula hoop games such as the classic spin and pass, rabbit hole, and hula hoop high.
NeighborWorks of Western Vermont is seeking volunteers who would like to help with the different hoop game stations and volunteer flow artists to come share their talents in a live show! Please contact Bianca Zanella if you are available to volunteer:
There will be hoop-shaped snacks, which means donuts from Jones’ Donuts and Bakery and apples, too.
Following the hoop workshop, the evening will conclude with a walk-in movie night at 113 Library Ave. The outdoor screen will be up and showing a family-friendly film. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs to watch the film beginning at 8:30 p.m.
Events are free and open to the public.
Photo courtesy of NeighborWorks
Create your own hula hoop in Rutland, Saturday.