July 11-12—RUTLAND—Close to 500 million foreign travelers visited European destinations in 2016, according to the World Tourism Organization. That’s 4 percent more than the prior year — and the U.S. Postal Service is ready to prepare travelers for such future excursions.
To make it easier to apply for a U.S. Passport, the Rutland post office will offer extended hours for passport processing on Tuesday, July 11 and Wednesday, July 12. A postal clerk can even take your picture if you don’t have one and no appointment is necessary. Just come to the Rutland Post Office at 151 West St. on Tuesday, July 11 or Wednesday, July 12, between 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Rutland Postmaster James Ragosta said, “With routine passport processing times of six weeks, it’s never too early to start planning for that next vacation. And we’re here to help.” He cites usps.com as an excellent resource for getting passport paperwork and locating other acceptance facilities across the nation.