Friday, June 16, 7 p.m.—RUTLAND—Rutland Meals Challenge is hosting its third annual Strike Out Hunger Benefit Bowl at the Rutland Bowlerama, Friday, June 16, 7 p.m. Bowlers will receive two games, shoe rental and snacks for $15 per person and $10 for children under 10. Sponsored bowlers who bring in $50 or more in donations for Rutland Meals Challenge will bowl for free and will be eligible to win additional prizes. Donation forms can be found at
In the Red Pin Raffle, bowlers who get a spare or strike with a red pin in their frame will be entered for a chance to win one of several prizes. There will also be prizes for the top youth and adult bowler and the youth and adult bowler who bring in the most donations.
In addition, there will be a 50/50 raffle and basket raffle. Those who would like to just buy raffle tickets can do so between 7-8 p.m.
The Rutland Meals Challenge is an annual community food packaging event held every January at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Hundreds of volunteer assemble bulk ingredients into packaged meals that are donated to area food shelves and the Vermont Food Bank. All money raised at the bowling fundraiser will go towards the purchase of food and supplies for 2018 Rutland Meals Challenge.