Route 73
Pike Industries’ subcontractor, J. Hutchins, will continue replacing drainage culverts through this week. They will be working near the intersection of Route 73 and West Hill Road and moving west on Route 73. J. Hutchins will also be cutting brush that is overhanging the roadway next week. Pike Industries will install underdrain along Route 73, beginning near the intersection of Route 73 and Route 100 and moving west to the intersection of Route 73 and Bingo Road.
The contractor is planning to work Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. There is alternating, one-way traffic around construction activities.
Route 4
Meanwhile, construction continues on the 15 miles of Route 4 between Mendon and Killington. Crews are scheduled to continue milling the road surface throughout the week of May 15. The milling operation is currently in the area of the Cortina Inn and moving easterly. It is possible that milling will reach the top of Sherburne Pass in the early part of the week of May 15. Two way traffic will be maintained much of the time; however, stopped traffic and delays will occur intermittently. Drivers are advised to plan their travel time accordingly.
Paving operations will continue to follow about four to six days behind milling operations. Crews are scheduled to continue paving in base course on milled surfaces throughout the week of May 15, weather permitting. By the end of this week paving crews will be in the vicinity of Sugar and Spice and possibly as far east as Wheelerville Road.
Drainage, milling and paving operations will require lane closures in the location of these operations. One eastbound lane and one westbound lane will remain open to traffic throughout the lane shift. One-way alternating traffic may be necessary for brief periods in order to maneuver construction vehicles and equipment.
Drivers are reminded to observe all signs, stay alert for flaggers and moving equipment, slow down, and exercise patience.