On May 17, 2017

VSO musicians to perform in area schools

Thursday, May 18—RUTLAND COUNTY—The Vermont Symphony Orchestra’s Fiddlesticks string trio will present performances at three Rutland County schools on May 18: 9 a.m. at Poultney Elementary School; 10:30 a.m. at Wells Village School; and 1:30 p.m. at Mettawee Community School.

Members of Fiddlesticks are: David Gusakov, of Bristol, violin; Hilary Hatch, of Leicester, violin and viola; and Bonnie Klimowski, of Fairfax, cello. They also bring “Godzilla,” the bass fiddle, with them. Their dynamic performances are designed to introduce children to the most important members of the symphony orchestra and to make some of the key concepts in classical music-making come alive. Longtime members of the VSO, the performers are funny, friendly, interactive—and wonderful musicians.

These performances are part of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra’s statewide SymphonyKidseducation program, which reached over 26,000 schoolchildren last year with 278 presentations serving 175 schools in 141 different towns. The VSO’s traveling ensembles visit all corners of the state as part of an outreach program known as the Lois H. McClure Musicians-in-the-Schools Program. These lively concerts are met with overwhelming enthusiasm, as the musical ambassadors spread the word that classical music can be fun.

For more information, call 802-864-5741 ext. 14 or email eleanor@vso.org.

Photo courtesy of VSO

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