Saturday, April 22, 11 a.m.—PLYMOUTH—On Saturday, April 22, there will be a free presentation by Senior Solutions at the Plymouth Community Center at 11 a.m. Senior Solutions is one of five Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in Vermont.
The five AAAs work together to provide a consistent package of services statewide.
The mission of Senior Solutions is to assist older Vermonters to achieve an optimum quality of life, individually and in their communities, through: 1) advocacy, 2) information and access to resources and 3) by supporting and working with their families and those close to them.
They achieve their mission through agency goals: empower older Vermonters, their families and caregivers to make informed decisions about and be able to easily access existing health and long term care options; enable older Vermonters to remain in a setting of their choice for as long as possible through the provision of home and community based programs including support for family caregivers; empower older Vermonters to remain active and healthy through wellness programs including Evidence Based Prevention Programs; and ensure the rights of older Vermonters and prevent their abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Plymouth Community Center is located at 35 School Drive, Plymouth. Refreshments will be available by Cookie Mama, plus lots of information.
For more information and assistance, call Senior HelpLine at 1-800-642-5119.