On April 12, 2017

Horoscopes for April 5, 2017 – April 11th, 2017

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for April 5, 2017 – April 11th, 2017


March 21 – April 20

If you’re paying attention things are probably ready to pop. They will or they won’t, depending on whether or not you’ve been straight with yourself.  So far so good. What happens next comes down to your ability to stay balanced in the midst of a maelstrom of change. Old habits are bound to crop up and point you straight down the Bunny Trail. So will the people and things that go with the territory. Who knows how much lee way you’ve got? In your shoes, I would do my best to keep the light on and be mindful of the need to keep impatience, and my ego, on the back burner.


April 21 – May 20

The people who sit in judgment don’t know enough about you or your situation to form an opinion. To let them rattle your cage is insane. With better things to do than get sucked in by all of this, you need to re-center yourself and get down to work. Those closest to you need more than usual. Making room for their issues would be easier if you could settle some of your own. If the past few months have been cuckoo, none of this has been in vain. The deeper part of you has been transformed by this – just enough to emerge victorious from this period of difficulty


May 21 – June 20

It’s one thing after another – and there isn’t any let up. It’s a good thing that you know how to delegate. If it looks like the pressure is off, don’t speak too soon and find a way to reckon with it. You are in a position to turn your life around and take your sense of purpose where it needs to go. With the finalization of obligations releasing you to follow your bliss, the next big thing will ride on whatever your heart brings to it. You’ve already got a line on it. Stay in touch with your instincts. This will fly if you understand that less is more and don’t try too hard to push it.


June 21 – July 20

You keep going back and forth, buffeted by the whims and inefficiencies of others. As you try to play both ends to the middle, signals have gotten crossed, and everyone’s got something to say about where you’re at. Knowing enough not to let what other people have to say about you press your buttons takes objectivity. With gossip flying, the fur could also start to fly before you know it! Keep yourself centered. Whatever’s going on behind your back is of no consequence. Those who have an axe to grind are jealous and having a tough time reckoning with your impeccability.


July 21 – August 20

Those closest to you need to figure out how to make room for a freer, more independent you. Old concepts of relating need an overhaul. No matter how much we cleave to each other, we are always 2 distinct and separate individuals. Don’t take this for granted. I see big needs to follow your bliss. This may require time apart. If you’re alone, it’ll be no problem – in some cases there will be a need to wave goodbye. Either way, your life is opening up in ways that will allow your relationship to life and/or each other to reach a whole new level, as long as everyone gets to grow.


August 21–September 20

It would be great if you could be straight with people. This is nearly impossible at the moment. It’s hard to be straight with anyone who isn’t on the same page. Communication breakdowns are fogging things up. The best you can do is back off just far enough to remember that all of us are little snowflakes. Whoever’s giving you a hard time needs to feel empowered. The idea that they are calling the shots is an illusion. You could push back and state your case, but this is one of those times when you will gather more strength by allowing others to feel like they’re in control.


September 21 – October 20

You finally have a handle on things. You can’t lose it now that all these hassles have reinforced your core. The relationship area is starting to perk up. Getting to know people involves figuring out if you can trust them to be themselves. Recent connections, and any chance to pursue partnerships of any kind, need to be considered in light of how you feel and who you get to be in their presence. It may be time to move in order to pursue a connection or your career. Don’t hesitate to do so. You have been building up to this. One door closes and another one opens.


October 21 – November 20

You have this whole new thing going on and it will start to look better once you get it walking and talking. Too much water under the bridge and even more drama have kept things from developing constructively until now. Those of you who have managed to consider the uses of adversity are waking up to the fact that more recent losses were in fact opportunities in disguise. Shake the bugs off and bring your focus back to your own dreams. For too long you’ve yoked your sense of purpose to others and it’s time to kick off your traces and remember how to fly.


November 21 – December 20

It’s hard to know why you feel the way you do; only you know what this is all about. The only caution you need to observe is the one that says; keep it to yourself. Yes, dear; it’s your turn to let your hair down and allow yourself to look at how you feel. It might also be time to stop over-giving – because you’re just about tapped out and in need of a transfusion. In situations like this it’s a good idea to cleanse the soul with whatever it takes to sooth it, and then proceed to re-engage with people and things in a way that makes it as beneficial to you as it is to them.


December 21 – January 20

You’re not quite sure if this is what you had in mind. It’s like you’re finally where you’ve always wanted to be and there’s nothing to do; either that or there’s nothing to it. Exactly how this translates to your particular situation I cannot say – but if you find yourself feeling disillusioned, the fact that the road to enlightenment is paved with it suggests that something is about to open up. Be prepared to flex your ability to adapt and stop needing to have a plan. The more you line up with the thought that anything goes, the sooner things will begin to expand.


January 21 – February 20

Your thoughts keep turning to things that have yet to be resolved. It’s interesting how all of a sudden you’re obsessed with making amends, or with going back to the past to sweep the dust off your heart. It’s OK to be soft enough to know that these things need to be handled. If you’re struggling with how to go about it, there is an opening that will allow you to find a solution that will put everything to rest. For many of you, the same influence could easily revive things that were buried ages ago. If that’s how it plays out, be prepared for a wild and enlightening ride.


February 21 – March 20

Finally getting to the bottom of your ‘stuff’ is where it’s at right now. This a theme that has rebirth written all over it. As you work through issues that have haunted you all of your life, the bigger part of you is getting clearer by the day. At the same time, the fact that ‘who you think you are’ is being newly introduced to your next incarnation, is making it feel a little tenuous and strange. Be patient. Ease into these revelations with the idea that your truer purpose is being seeded by the openings that occur, within you and without you, by the time the seasons change.

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