On March 8, 2017

1 percent local option sales tax to be rescinded

Act 46 Modified Union District to be created
By Polly Lynn Mikula
KILLINGTON—Killington may be the first town in the state to rescind a local option tax. The 1 percent option taxes on sales as well as room, meals and alcohol were adopted in Killington in 2008. Rescinding the local option sales tax passed by 9 votes on Town Meeting Day,  203 to 194. It will go into effect July 1, 2018. (The 1 percent local option tax on rooms, meals and alcohol will continue; it  was not part of the vote.)
Rescinding the sales portion of the local option tax was strongly supported by Killington Resort and the Killington Pico Area Association (KPAA), who both actively spread  information to help voters understand the benefits of rescinding the tax.
To make up for the deficit in the town’s general fund, the plan is for many of the town’s events and marketing responsibilities to be transferred to the KPAA.
Lee defends seat on Board
The only contested race in Killington on Town Meeting Day was for a three-year seat on the Select Board. Jim Haff, a former selectman, challenged incumbent Ken Lee. Lee kept his  seat with 229 votes to Haff’s 156.
Budget passes
Killington resident approved the proposed town budget of $4,508,505, representing an increase of about $353,000. The budget will increase the municipal tax rate by $0.289, about $60 per year for a home valued at $200,000. The budget passed 270 to 116 votes.
Included in the budget is $100,000 to support the 2017 FIS Women’s World Cup Ski Races should it come back this year.
Other articles
Voters also overwhelmingly passed a proposal to change the schedule of property tax collection to three payments and passed two apportions for funding: One for $800 for a regional marketing initiative and one for $500 for Habitat for Humanity of Rutland County. Voters also overwelming ly voted to keep the Australian ballot system, opposing a move  back to floor voting.
Act 46 district votes
Six towns in Windsor Central SU voted on an Act 46 school district merger. Initial tallies showed that Killington, Woodstock, Bridgewater and Pomfret voted for unification, while  Reading and Barnard defeated the measure.  A Modified Union District will be created among the schools that passed the vote.

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