On January 19, 2017

Women’s March on Montpelier organized

Jan. 21 march is in solidarity with the national Women’s March on Washington

By Matt Henchen, youthlobby.org

On Jan. 21, people and organizations across Vermont are coming together for a Women’s March on Montpelier to name and protect women’s rights. The march is followed by a unity rally, joining communities across our state with one voice against hate and injustice. This is an inclusive, accessible, and family-friendly afternoon of events, organizers stated. The march will begin at 1 p.m. at Montpelier High School and leads to the rally on the State House lawn from 2-3 p.m.
The Women’s March on Montpelier is being held in solidarity with the national Women’s March on Washington and sister marches around the country and world. Developed and led by women, the march welcomes everyone to stand together for parity, equity, dignity and justice for all women. Organizers stated: “We are coming to Montpelier to PROTECT women’s bodies: physical safety, reproductive rights, and physical, mental, emotional, and environmental health. AFFIRM women’s diversity: identities, histories, and experiences of people of color; sexual and gender identities, orientations, and expressions; multiple abilities; immigrant, migrant, refugee experiences; religious freedoms; cultural expressions, and all ages. VALUE women’s work: equal pay, fair wages, and family-fair policies. RESPECT women’s contributions to science, art, literature, society, sports, entertainment, caregiving, and other endeavors. UNIFY women’s allies: women’s rights are human rights!”
The second part of the event is the unity rally on the Statehouse lawn, which will begin at 2 p.m. and will feature speakers, art, music, and opportunities to get further involved. These events are being planned by individuals and groups representing the breadth, depth, and diversity of Vermont. Organizers of the day hope to build a statewide coalition toward unity and social justice.

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