KILLINGTON—A graveside memorial and buriel service for Horace “Red” Glaze will be held at the Riverside Cemetery on River Road in Killington on Oct. 8 at 1 p.m.
On May 13, 2016, Horace Edward Glaze, known as “Red,” passed away quietly in Lakewood Ranch, Fla., where he had recently retired and was residing with his wife Taylor. Red was born on Oct. 20,1930, son of John Glaze and Marjorie Glaze. He moved to Killington, Vt., in 1959 as a young man and began a life of hard work, service to others, and dedication to the growth of Killington’s resort and its community.
Red Glaze, a Paul Harris Rotarian, dedicated himself to a life of community service. As town moderator for 29 years, as Killington’s first fire chief, as a town selectman for several terms, and until recently, as head of Sherburne Fire District No. 1, Red Glaze wore many hats, but his favorites were his golf cap and his ski hat. Red Glaze has been a friend to all and was honored at his retirement party on April 24, 2016, at Green Mountain National Golf Course by over 300 guests who came to wish him well in his retirement.
Please join family and friends at the Killington Riverside Cemetery at 1 p.m. on Oct. 8, 2016 for a tribute to his life as he is laid to rest beside his wife Lillian Glaze who passed away in 2001.
Memorial held for Horace “Red” Glaze, Oct. 8