On August 3, 2016

Lecture: the New England character reflected in art

Sunday, Aug. 7 at 5 p.m.—MOUNT HOLLY—The Mount Holly Town Library will host a Vermont Humanities Council Program on Sunday, Aug. 7 at 50 p.m. in the Mount Holly Town Library, 26 Maple Hill Road, Belmont.

The program speaker, William Hosley will present “New England Impressions: Art and the Making of Regional Identity, 1885-1950.”

For several generations, aspiring New England artists used our history, landscape, environment and traditional industries as subject matter and Muse, drawing inspiration from their environment and helping to shape New England’s image at home and abroad. William Hosley tells the story of painters, printmakers and photographers who pictured our world “New Englandly.”

Please join for this exciting program! Refreshments will be served.

Free, accessible to people with disabilities, and open to the public. Contact Joan McCallum at 802-259-2318 for more information.

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