Sunday, July 31 at 3 p.m.—PAWLET—The public is welcome on Sunday, July 31 for the grand opening event at the Pawlet Historical Society’s new facility, the renovated Chriss Monroe Chapel in the Mettowee Valley Cemetery on Cemetery Hill Road (located off of VT Route 30, adjacent to the Pawlet Post Office), Pawlet. The opening will take place at 3 p.m., with Robin Chesnut-Tangerman, state representative for Pawlet, in attendance. The event will be free and refreshments will be provided.
By agreement between the PHS and Pawlet Cemetery Association, the chapel has been modified to provide program and exhibition space, as well as archive processing and storage space in the back room. This back room is now to be renamed the Susanne Rappaport Memorial Archive Room. In addition, an ADA compliant restroom has been added. These renovations have taken place with the support of a Vermont Arts Council Cultural Facilities Grant.
In conjunction with the chapel facility’s opening, there will be an exhibition on the history of past Pawlet businesses, kindly curated by George Bouret with the support of Martha Schoenemann, Sarah Rath and Rose Smith.
Please join for this important event in the life of the Pawlett Historical Society.
Visitors are asked to park outside the cemetery fence and to walk the 50 yards to the chapel. Attendees may be dropped off at the door, but parking is limited to outside the cemetery fence.
For more information, contact Steve Williams at 802-645-9529.