On July 20, 2016

Vermont woodworker meet-up at Clearlake Furniture in Ludlow

Thursday, July 21 at 1:30 p.m.—LUDLOW—The Vermont Wood Manufacturers Association is holding its next woodworker and member meet-up July 21 at 1:30 p.m. at Clearlake Furniture in Ludlow.

There is no fee to attend this event, and you do not need to be a Vermont woodworker to attend. The afternoon event will run from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and includes a tour of Clearlake Furniture’s showroom and workshop; an informal networking session on sales and marketing tools; and relaxation at Okemo Mountain Resort’s Adventure Zone and the Coleman Brook Tavern & Bar.

The networking session, “Tricks of the Trade: Sales and Marketing Tools From Your Fellow Woodworker,” will discuss some of the tools woodworkers are using to market their businesses, increase sales, or drive traffic to their locations.

After the networking session, the meet-up will venture across the road to Okemo Mountain Resort, where folks may partake in Adventure Zone activities, relax in the Resort’s Adirondack chairs with a beverage, continue to network with other attendees, and take in the scenery of the mountain.

Come learn about woodworking in Vermont and meet some of the finest wood craftspeople in our state. Online registration is available at vermontwood.com. The Vermont Wood Manufacturers Association can also be reached at 802-747-7900 or at info@vermontwood.com. Register by July 20.

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