Courtesy of Carving Studio and Sculpture Center
“Tango” by Ivan Alberto Rojas Tovar, artist in residence, is on display at the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center.
Wednesday, July 13 at 7 p.m. — WEST RUTLAND —The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center hosts Peruvian sculptor Ivan Alberto Rojas Tovar as artist in residence through the month of July 2016.
Rojas studied at Toulouse Lautrec Academy of Graphic Design and Ricardo Palma University. He works with clearly defined purpose to release expressive shapes from their encasement in stone and wood.
Ivan Rojas will be creating new work during his residency and will present his methods and aesthetic in an Artist’s Talk the evening of Wednesday, July 13 at 7 p.m. The talk is free and open to the public.
The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center is located at 636 Marble Street, West Rutland. For more information visit