June 24-26 — KILLINGTON — “‘Build it and they will come’ seems to have been our mantra when we decided to put this reunion thing together,” said Ned Dyer, organizer of the weekend festivities at the Summit Lodge June 24-26. The goal is to bring back some familiar faces and rekindle old friendships, the organizers state. “It’s a loosely structured weekend and nobody’s going to make you wear a nametag,” Dyer added.
Friday night, starting at 5 p.m., is a meet-and-greet at the Summit Lodge, and a chance to make plans with old friends to revisit some old haunts and maybe discover some new ones.
“Saturday is the perfect day to do a pub crawl and check out what’s new on the Killington Road and the Killington Area,” Dyer continues.
Sunday is the day for games.
“Reminiscent of Sunday morning before the Killington Tricycle Race we always played a game that reminded us of our youth. We called them schoolyard Olympics,” he said.
This year, stickball got the nod — street stickball with broom sticks and pimple balls, that is. No base running. Teams will be made of four men/women and four innings will be played per game. “I went a little nuts on the shirts… so it promises to be festive,” Dyer added.
Game time is high noon on Sunday and what’s stickball without beer and hot dogs?, organizers ask. Stop by the Summit Lodge for a copy of the tournament rules and an entry form, or contact Ned Dyer, at ned@summitlodgevt.com.