On June 1, 2016

Get a good look at Saturn during astronomy night at Hubbardton Battlefield

Friday, June 3 at 8:30 p.m.  — HUBBARDTON — On the evening of Friday, June 3, head to the Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site in Hubbardton to view Saturn and other deep space objects. That night Saturn, the 6th planet outward from the sun, is in a direct line between the earth and sun. The Green Mountain Alliance of Amateur Astronomers will share its telescopes between 8:30 p.m. and midnight for public viewing of Saturn with its rings and moons, as well as other deep space objects.

Call 802-273-2282 on the day to confirm. There will be an inside program in case of inclement weather. Donations are appreciated — marshmallows are provided. Register also for a September drawing with astronomy prizes. All are welcome.

Saturn is the most distant world easily visible to the unaided eye. In the 17th century telescopes revealed its rings, now known through spacecraft to be thousands of thin, finely detailed rings. Saturn also has 62 moons with confirmed orbits. On this night it will be rising in the east just as the sun sets in the west.

The Hubbardton Battlefield, with its sweeping mountain views is the perfect spot to observe the sky. The remaining two astronomy programs at the battlefield are Aug. 12 to view the Perseid meteor shower and Sept. 3 for Deep Sky Discovery Night.

The battlefield is located in Hubbardton on Monument Hill Road, seven miles north of U.S. Route 4 from Castleton or six miles east of VT Route 30 in Hubbardton. For more information, visit historicsites.vermont.gov.

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