Wednesday, May 25 at 2 p.m. — WEST RUTLAND — Energy experts are joining forces at the West Rutland Town Hall Wednesday, May 25 to offer local residents instant energy advice, special offers and same-day home visits to save people money and reduce environmental impacts right away.
Through the second eTown meeting, Green Mountain Power, Efficiency Vermont and HEAT Squad will be available at the West Rutland Town Hall from 2 to 6:30 p.m. for one-on-one consultation with local residents and business owners, in partnership with the Town of West Rutland.
“It is so exciting to work with communities and customers on an exciting energy future where they are empowered to take control and make choices that improve their lives,” said Betsy Bloomer who runs GMP’s Energy Innovation Center in Rutland.
The eTown Meeting at West Rutland is the second in a series that will be rolled out in other towns, and is an outgrowth of GMP making Rutland the Solar Capital of New England and the Energy City of the Future. Interested communities can contact GMP to sign up.
“Working together is the key to helping Vermonters be more comfortable, save money and reduce energy use. This eTown Meeting model is such a great way to deliver those benefits in a simple and easy way,” Bloomer said.
Customers can learn about, and sign up for, weatherization and efficiency measures, heat pumps and heat pump hot water heaters, the Tesla Powerwall, small-scale solar, no-cost installations, low-cost financing, and other innovations like electric vehicle charging memberships that can save time, energy and money.
The HEAT Squad and Efficiency Vermont will be on hand with information on multiple efficiency programs.
For more information, call 802-770-4088.