Dave Stone throws and shapes clay at The Potter Stone in Cuttingsville
A look behind the scenes at studios of artisans across Vermont
May 28 and 29 — STATEWIDE — It must be Open Studio Weekend when bright yellow signs appear along Vermont’s roads over Memorial Day weekend, guiding visitors to studios of craftspeople and fine artists across Vermont during the 2016 Open Studio Tour on May 28 and 29.
Open Studio Weekend is a statewide celebration of the visual arts and creative process, offering a unique opportunity for visitors to meet a wide variety of artists and craftspeople in their studios, some of which are only open to the public during this event.
The self-guided Open Studio tour features the work of glassblowers, jewelers, printmakers, potters, furniture makers, weavers, ironworkers, painters, sculptors, quilt makers and wood carvers. Many galleries will host gallery talks and feature special exhibits in conjunction with this event.
The Vermont Crafts Council publishes a free map booklet with directions to participating sites. The Vermont Open Studio Guide is available throughout the state at Tourist Information Centers, galleries and studios. It is also available on the VCC website, vermontcrafts.com, or by calling 802-223-3380.
The Vermont Crafts Council launched Open Studio Weekend in 1993 to increase the visibility of artists and craftspeople in Vermont and to foster an appreciation for the creative process and the role that artists and craftspeople play in the vitality of Vermont’s communities.
The Vermont Crafts Council is a non-profit organization serving the Vermont visual arts community. Open Studio Weekend is supported by the Vermont Arts Council and by the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing.