Saturday, April 23 at 4 p.m. — WEST RUTLAND — The Handbell Association of Vermont will be holding the 35th annual Vermont spring ring, “Marble Valley Rings,” at West Rutland School on Saturday, April 23. The event will culminate in a free 4 p.m. concert for the public.
Each spring this event travels around the state to give access to all handbell choirs and audiences in Vermont and surrounding states, plus Canada. This year’s event includes one choir from Ontario, two groups from Quebec, one each from Massachusetts and New York, two from New Hampshire, and 16 from Vermont. The last time this event came to West Rutland was in 2007.
This year more than 200 handbell ringers, representing 24 choirs or ensembles, will gather for a day of educational classes related to ringing and rehearsals under the direction of Michael Joy from Philadelphia, Pa., whose task is to transform these individual groups into one massed choir for the closing concert. The concert will feature several individual offerings by choirs, ensembles and individuals as well as four compositions the entire group will play together, creating a sound quite unlike anything most people have ever heard.
This day-long event is being presented by the Handbell Association of Vermont. The concert is free, though donations will be accepted to support handbell choirs and events in the state.
For more info, call Karen James at 802-345-6759.