April 20-22 — RUTLAND — Visit the Chaffee Art Center and experience the 2016 Annual Student Art Exhibit and a variety of art activities. There will be free-draw any day in either of two classrooms or join for a highlighted self art activities.
Wednesday, April 20 is Mandala Madness. Color in a pre-designed mandalas or create your own using compasses, pencils and rulers.
Thursday, April 21 is Playful Picasso. Create a portrait while experimenting with Picasso eyes, mouths, and more. Color in with markers, crayons or watercolors.
Friday, April 22 is Flower Power Friday. Color and draw flowers or create your own 3D tissue paper flower by following the directions.
All activities above are free and open to the public. Voluntary donations are appreciated.
Don’t miss the kids’ felting class on April 20 with artist Sue Carey. Kids will learn to create their own wool owl figurine. The class if from 1 to 4 p.m. as has a fee of $30 public; $25 members. Register for this class at chaffeartcenter.org.
Chaffee Art Center is located at 16 South Main Street, Rutland. For more info, call 802-775-0356 or email info@chaffeeartcenter.org.