Goal: to demonstrate the value of libraries
What happens in a single day in Vermont libraries? How many books do patrons check out? What types of activities are taking place? What types of questions are being answered? Find out by participating with the Vermont Library Association in Library Snapshot Day 2016.
Snapshot Day is a statewide initiative where all public, school, academic and special libraries have the opportunity to capture one day in the life of their libraries through, photos, user comments, statistics, and other data. The goal is to raise public awareness that libraries are more important than ever.
Participating libraries choose one day during the week of April 10-16, 2016, to collect data and photos. The data gathered from each library will be added to data gathered statewide from all types of libraries and will capture the collective impact that Vermont’s libraries have on their communities on a typical day.
“Vermont Library Snapshot Day gives libraries around the state the opportunity to share pictures, stories and data about what their library accomplishes in a day,” said Vermont Library Association Public Library Section President and Ilsley Public Library Director Kevin Unrath. “At the Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury, Snapshot Day will be on Friday, April 15, but libraries can pick any day that works for them during National Library Week, April 10-16. Programs scheduled at Ilsley include a toddler story time, a volunteer appreciation luncheon and a teen sign language course in addition to all the reading, meeting and computing that goes on every single day.”
For more information visit vtlibraryday.wordpress.com.