On March 30, 2016

Sugaring on display during Maple Open House Weekend

Maple Open House Weekend offers visitors an opportunity to see a variety of sugarhouses throughout Vermont in operation during sugaring season. Sugarmakers are pleased to open their doors and educate visitors on all things maple. Learn how the sap from the trees gets to the sugarhouse and becomes the maple syrup we all love, why maple is more nutrient dense than alternative sweeteners, and how to incorporate it in more of your favorite recipes.

Each sugarhouse offers a unique experience. Some of the planned activities for the weekend include: live fiddle music, tours of the woods and sugarhouse, horse-drawn wagon rides, maple cocktail tasting, samples of specialty products, wood-fired maple pizza, pancake and waffle breakfasts, maple cream frosted donuts, maple cotton candy and sugar-on-snow, lunch featuring maple recipes, maple syrup samples, candy-making demonstrations, museum collection of antique sugaring items, and plenty of maple products to purchase. To see the calendar of events, go to the official website of the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association at vermontmaple.org/events/

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