On March 9, 2016

Help wildlife food management with apple tree workshop


Saturday, March 12 at 10 a.m. — The public is invited to attend a free Wild Apple Tree Release and Pruning workshop on March 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  in Tunbridge. Join Rich Chalmers, Dave Paganelli, and Larry Mengedoht at a joint Vermont Coverts and Vermont Woodlands Association stewardship workshop. It will be focused on how to release and prune wild apple trees to preserve them and enhance them for better production of soft mast for wildlife. This workshop will consist of a discussion on the basic principles, a demonstration, and then allow a hands on pruning for those that want to practice. Please feel free to bringing your own pruning and safety equipment. The workshop location is 218 Dickerman Hill Rd, Tunbridge. Contact larrymengedoht@gmail.com with questions.

VWA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to advocate for the management, sustainability, perpetuation, and enjoyment of forests through the practice of excellent forestry that employs highly integrated management practices that protect and enhance both the tangible and intangible values of forests – including clean air and water, forest products, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, recreation, scenic beauty, and other resources – for this and future generations. VWA objectives are to communicate the benefits of working forests, recognize exemplary actions of woodland owners and managers, provide educational opportunities, and to represent its membership before governmental bodies. Learn more at www.vermontwoodlands.org.

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