On March 2, 2016

State biologist speaks on how land use affects wildlife in free workshop

Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. — RANDOLPH — The public is welcome to attend “How Land use Affects Wildlife” workshop with Kim Royar on March 10 at the Vermont Tech Enterprise Center, Randolph from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Kim Royar, a biologist with Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife will be presenting a program on land use change in Vermont and its effects on the state’s native wildlife populations.  She will combine a mixture of history and biology to demonstrate the intersection between the two. Royar will show how these habitat changes have influenced some of Vermont’s most iconic species such as beaver, bobcat, otter, coyote, and white-tailed deer.

Coffee and dessert will be served. Pre-registration is required by calling the VWA office at 802-747-7900 or email info@vermontwoodlands.org. Register by March 8. Vermont Enterprise Center is located at 1540 Vermont Route 66, Randolph.

VWA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose mission is to advocate for the management, sustainability, perpetuation, and enjoyment of forests through the practice of excellent forestry that employs highly integrated management practices that protect and enhance both the tangible and intangible values of forests – including clean air and water, forest products, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, recreation, scenic beauty, and other resources – for this and future generations. VWA objectives are to communicate the benefits of working forests, recognize exemplary actions of woodland owners and managers, provide educational opportunities, and to represent its membership before governmental bodies. Learn more at www.vermontwoodlands.org.

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