KILLINGTON — This season’s weather has challenged us at every turn, wrote officials for Killington Resort in a Feb. 25 newsletter explaining conditions at Pico Mountain. “The lack of natural snow, or even consistently cold temperatures, has left us with limited terrain and diminished business levels. With no relief evident in the long-range forecast, we have made the difficult decision to reduce Pico Mountain’s operating schedule to Saturdays and Sundays only.” Beginning Monday, Feb. 29 until the end of the 2015-16 season, Pico will not be open midweek.
However, Monday through Friday beginning Feb. 29, Pico Mountain season passes and lift tickets will be accepted at Killington Resort.
“We know there is no substitute for Pico Mountain, but now you’ve got access to five days of midweek skiing and riding instead of the usual three, as well as access to more trails and more terrain,” resort officials said in a statement.