On March 2, 2016

Dr. Lord on mental health treatment for veterans

Thursday, March 3 at 5:30 p.m. — CHESTER — Dr. David Lord, a psychologist with the Veterans Affairs Hospital in White River will speak at Chester Rotary on Thursday, March 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the Fullerton Inn on the subject of mental health conditions afflicting veterans. His talk will include a description of recent advances in the treatment of veteran’s psychological problems.

Dr. Lord is a part-time senior supervising psychologist in the Mental Health and Behavioral Science Service at the White River VA. His work includes psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy with individual, and group therapy of military sexual trauma survivors. He is also an anger management group facilitator, couples therapist, and teaches psychology interns and fellows.

As a faculty member in the Psychiatry Department of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Dr. Lord teaches and supervises psychiatric residents who are attached to the VA. He has a Ph.D. from University of Tennessee and has a private practice in clinical psychology.

The event is part of Chester Rotary’s First Thursday series. It is free and open to the public; however please RSVP by registering at chestervtrotary@gmail.com

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