RUTLAND — After 10 years of directing the Rutland Curbstone Chorus, Dan Graves has chosen to use his musical talents in other ways. Ben Green, a musical performer in his own right, has taken the baton from Graves and enthusiastically agreed to keep the Curbstone Chorus going and growing.
Green was a bass performance major at Boston University, studying under the principal bassist of the Boston Symphony. He learned his musical skills locally from Rutland City Public Schools, Lakes Region Youth Orchestra, Vermont Youth Orchestra and Shrewsbury Jazz, as well as major opportunities for growth under Rip Jackson at Grace Church. When playing bass for Messiah at Grace Church, Green directed the “flash mob” Hallelujah chorus at the Rutland Farmers Market the couple of years it was done.
Following graduation from Boston University, Green spent six months playing a variety of musical genres on bass and bass guitar aboard a cruise ship. While he had many offers from various cruise lines to continue such work, he decided that life was not for him. He has substituted in Rutland Schools, mostly in the music department, and worked in a large music shop in Boston for a while.
While he lived and worked in Boston, he joined the Vocal Revolution Barbershop Chorus, and was accepted to perform with them at the International Barbershop Competition in Las Vegas in 2014. Only about 25 of the 1000 choruses worldwide get this opportunity. He also has been a member of the Green Mountain Barbershop Chorus out of Burlington.
Ben Green brings an enthusiasm for barbershop excellence to the Rutland Curbstone Chorus. He will work hard to challenge us, while providing a fun variety to our rehearsals. His goal is to have 40 singers in the chorus by the end of the year, double the current group. The chorus invites any male from teenager to infinity to check them out at Rutland Middle School (band room by triple doors just north on Grove Street from the traffic light at Library Avenue) on Monday nights at 7 p.m. While the ability to read music is not necessary, it helps to be able to carry a tune.
For more information, call Ben Green at 802-345-7389.