On January 25, 2016

Keep your pets safe in the cold, winter weather

The Rutland County Humane Society (RCHS) would like to remind you that pets need special care during the cold winter months. Dogs and cats should be inside when the temperature drops.

If your dog is being kept outside, it must be protected by a dry, draft-free doghouse. Windchills can be especially difficult for animals and can threaten their life. Make sure that pets who are outside have water that isn’t frozen and is in plastic bowls, as metal ones can get very cold and their tongues can stick and freeze to it.

Wipe your animals paws after they’ve been outside to remove the salt and other chemicals they may come in contact with which can irritate them. Be especially careful with antifreeze as it’s a deadly poison but has a sweet taste which attracts animals.

Watch for frostbite on their ears and other areas.

For more information and tips, please contact the shelter at 802-483-6700 or visit them online at www.rchsvt.org.

The shelter is located at 765 Stevens Road, Pittsford.

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