WOODSTOCK — The Woodstock Farmers’ Market announced Dec. 14 that its annual effort to support the Woodstock Community Food Shelf continues this holiday season and that the name of the campaign will be changed to “Harvest For Hunger” to better reflect the mission of providing fresh produce to the organization.
The market’s goal is to raise $1,000 by Dec. 31 – with the Farmers’ Market matching every dollar to total $2,000 for the purchase of fresh produce for the food shelf. The funds are raised through in-store donation canisters in which customers are asked to contribute, change, bills or even write a check.
“The Woodstock Farmers’ Market has been providing fresh produce for the Woodstock Food Shelf since the winter of 2006,” said Steve Moyer, co-owner and CFO. “We are continually amazed at and humbled by the generosity of our customers,” said Moyer.
Diana Brown, who directs the operation for the Food Shelf, said the “Harvest for Hunger” campaign comes at a critical time for the Food Shelf’s guests. According to Hunger Free Vermont, approximately 13 percent of Vermont’s population is food insecure.
“During the summer, local farmers donate fresh produce but at this time of year their generous donations end due to the end of the growing season,” explained Brown. “The Farmers’ Market donates fresh produce at a time when families really need it. Prior to the contributions of the Farmers’ Market and others, we had very little produce,” she said.
Moyer explained that they are able to make the donated dollars go further because Woodstock Farmers’ Market has stronger buying power and the food expertise.
This is the ninth year the market has provided items for the Food Shelf. Prior to providing fresh produce, WFM contributed canned and dry goods, many of which were donated by market customers. But lack of space prompted Woodstock Farmers’ Market to look for an alternative way to support the Food Shelf.
For more information about the program visit woodstockfarmersmarket.com.