Selectboard concerns
Chairwoman Patty McGrath addressed citizen questions and misinformation raised regarding Article 5, the highway bond authorization of $1.4 million, voted on at the 2014 Town Meeting. Citizens at the previous meeting falsely alleged that the bond was supposed to cover the paving of Killington Road from Route 4 to Dean Hill and speculated about where the money went. The chairwoman referenced the minutes of the 2014 informational meeting which notes the bond would cover: (1) the paving of Killington Road from Route 4 to West Hill Road, (2) the reclaiming and repaving of West Hill Road and (3) the construction of two bridges on Thundering Brook Road. Further, she cited the capital plan in the 2013 annual report which shows the bond appropriations as: $700,000 on paving projects (Killington and W. Hill) and $700,000 for bridges.
Budget reports
The Board and town manager reviewed budget reports through October. The town is 56 percent through the 18 month budget, and currently has $3.36 million in revenues and $3.46 million in expenses.
2017 budget planning
The Board reviewed an updated 2017 budget proposal. The spending levels have been reduced to be flat with the 2014 budget passed by voters. Revenues have to be higher to replace the FEMA revenue which has offset budgets in past years after Irene. The anticipated tax increase required for this draft budget would be just under 2 cents.
Building communities grant
The Board approved the town’s application for a Building Communities Grant, which would help fund two miles of bike trails around Kent Pond. The town and Killington Mountain Bike Club would provide the match for the grant. In the last year, the Killington Mountain Bike Club has helped raise over $11,000 to support trail construction.
Town manager’s report
VLCT has received 35 applications for the town manager opening with 15 days left before the application deadline.
End-of-season road projects include road signage installation, the crosswalk construction at Dean Hill Road, and a new hire on the Highway Department. The EDTC is preparing a report for the Board and community on the town’s progress in reaching the goals residents established at 2008 community meetings with the Vermont Council on Rural Development. KPAA growth over the last two years includes 25 new members this year.
Upcoming meeting dates: regular meetings: Dec. 1 and 15.
These highlights are based on Killington Town Manager Seth Webb’s observations of Select Board meetings. The Select Board Highlights are intended to be a short summary of Select Board meetings to help communicate matters pending before the Select Board in a timely way. The Select Board Highlights are not comprehensive minutes, and are not reviewed or endorsed by the Board before they are distributed.