West Rutland Troop 116 donated 50 items totaling over 34 pounds of non-perishable items to the local food shelf. Pictured (l-r) Aaron, Hunter, Elisha, Dylan, James, Joseph, Elijah, and Zachary. Dylan and James are sitting. (According to BSA policy only first names can be published.)
WEST RUTLAND — Traditionally, a Boy Scout troop holds a Court of Honor to recognize the accomplishments of the scouts through the presentation of awards, rank advancements, merit badges, and activity patches. But at the most recent Court of Honor, the scouts of West Rutland Troop 116 decided that they wanted to give back to the community that actively supports them in so many ways. The scouts and their families donated 50 items totaling over 34 pounds of non-perishable items to the local food shelf. The idea of the food drive came from the scouts and with eight active scouts this was a great accomplishment for a very mighty cause.