PITTSFIELD—The Pittsfield Select Board received an update on the proposed Tweed River Park from Mary Russ of the White River Partnership, Kevin Geiger of Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC), and John Steele of Dubois & King, followed by public comments and questions. The planning commission agreed to present multiple options, from the very basic requirements of FEMA to the more elaborate park proposal, to the select board. The select board agreed to present the options for a vote at the Town Meeting in 2016. For a full transcript of the meeting, including questions and responses, please visit the town website at www.pittsfieldvt.com.
The select board conducted a public hearing on the town plan. Tuesday, Aug. 18. Options are being investigated to mitigate speed through the town when Route 100 is upgraded (estimated for 2018).
Illegal dumping continues to be an issue since the new Act 148 (Universal Recycling and Composting) law took effect. Homeowners and renters are responsible for appropriate refuse removal.
The Pittsfield Town Picnic (end of summer celebration, potluck and horseshoe tournament) will be held Aug. 30 from 12:30 to 4 p.m. along with a blood drive in the morning.