BRIDGEWATER — Vermont’s Secretary of State , Jim Condos, held a celebration Tuesday, May 19, for the winners of the Vermont Secretary of State’s Annual Civics Poster and Essay Contest. Contest winners, their teachers and their families were invited to visit the State House, the Vermont Historical Museum and a Vermont State Archives exhibit, after which they attended a ceremony where they received awards for their winning entries.
Students K-2 created posters about Vermont symbols. The class winner was Ms. Deanne Fitzpatrick’s kindergarten class from Bridgewater Village School. It was Fitzpatrick’s second consecutive year to win the class award and her third time overall.
The individual winner was Caroline Watts, Grade 2, from Thetford Elementary School; her teacher is Ms. Nicole Kendall.
Students in grades 3-5 created posters about Vermont history. The class winner was Mr. McGee’s 4th grade class from the Ottauquechee School. There were two individual winners this year: Emelia McCalla, a 5th grader from Rutland, and a 5th grader from Blue Mountain Union School, Maggie Emerson.
Students in grades 6-12 had the option of writing an essay or creating a PowerPoint or YouTube video to answer a question on one of three topics: voting, the Vermont Constitution, or campaign finance. The winners, 10th graders from Thetford Academy, created a PowerPoint on campaign finance and its impact on elections. Reshma Rampersaud, Hannah Harkins, Abbagail Wimett, and Ella Ziegler worked as a group to create the winning project.
The contest was held to promote awareness and importance of civics education in grades K-12. It allows younger students the opportunity to think about their state and its history, civic participation, elections and our Constitution through poster designs, essays and other medium.
Secretary Condos thanked all of the participants for their entries this year ,creating excellent work. Entries will now be on display at the Secretary of State’s Office for the public to view.