On May 20, 2015

Cast Off 8s club brings square dancing to Ludlow Auditorium

Saturday, May 23 at 7 p.m. — LUDLOW — Friends of Ludlow Auditorium will be introducing a new feature for area residents and visitors: square dancing.

On Saturday, May 23 at 7 p.m. in the Ludlow Town Hall Auditorium, representatives of the Rutland-based Cast Off 8s will present “An Introduction to Square Dancing.”

The program, open to everyone of high school age through golden agers, will feature 12 members of the Cast Off 8s square dance club demonstrating the basics of square dancing. Peter Tobin will be the caller for this event.

Club member Don Richardson says, “this will be a fun event for everyone, regardless of age or previous square dancing experience.” He also noted that square dancing required no special attire, shoes, or equipment. “Just bring yourself, a partner if you desire, and expect to have a really fun evening,” Richardson said.

The program is free and no partner is required. 

To get an idea of the program, view the club’s square dancing activities online at www.castoff8s.com/video.html. For more information  call 802-228-6216.

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