Friday, April 10 at 7 p.m. — CHITTENDEN — The Chittenden Wildwood Church open mic event will be held on the second Friday, April 10, due to a conflict with Good Friday observance. The open mic will be held at 7 p.m. at the Church of the Wildwood, 347 Holden Road in Chittenden. Musicians, poets and storytellers of all ages are invited to perform. The acoustics are great but a sound system is provided for those who want it. Come join for a fun time with a great bunch of regulars who always welcome new talent.
The spots fill up very fast! The first 10 performers who call Donna Martin at 802-483-2234 or email requesting a 10-minute spot will perform.
Performers should try to arrive in time to check out the playing schedule and be ready to go at 7 p.m. Please time your performance to fit into ten minutes so everyone can get their turn. Delectable refreshments and hot beverages will be available.
A portion of the freewill donations for this event will benefit the Rutland County Boy’s & Girl’s Club. This will be the last event of this Wildwood open mic series. After a summer break, the series will resume on Oct. 2 with another creative season.