By VTDigger staff
Vermonters oppose taxes on carbon and sugary drinks and show less support for Governor Peter Shumlin, according to the annual Town Meeting Day poll conducted by Sen. Bill Doyle, R-Washington.
The 11,000 returned surveys also show a drop in support for the legalization of marijuana, compared to last year’s Doyle poll. This year, 39 percent of respondents said they support legalization with 48 percent opposed. Last year’s survey was split 44-44.
On a proposed tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, 45 percent of respondents were in favor and 48 percent were opposed. Only 31 percent supported a tax on carbon emissions with 41 percent opposed.
When asked whether Governor Shumlin was doing a good job, 21 percent said Yes, 57 percent said No, and 22 percent were unsure, according to the Doyle poll.